let’s get this party started

hello ALT-THATcampAHAers! lara kelland and vivian deno met on twitter this past sunday, and within their first day of twitter friendship had launched the crazy idea that a second THATcamp could be planned to accomodate those who had missed out on the at-capacity THATcampAHA. in a few days’ time. with very limited resources and experience in such. if you like an adventure, we sure hope you’ll join us.

we’ve got about 36 hours to plan an alternative THATcamp. we can do this, right?

lara here. i have just secured meeting space at my home institution, UIC. i propose that we keep our meeting time the same as the main THATcamp, starting at noon on thursday, january 5, 2012. our meeting room will be:

950 university hall (which happens to be the tallest building on the west side of chicago) 601 south morgan (instantly visible upon disembarking the blue line at UIC Halsted)

i will do my very best to secure wifi access, a task that i suspect will not be too onerous.

in one of our hurried tweet exchanges, viv and i tossed out gender and sexuality as a potential discussion topic. i would love to hear what others are thinking. others?

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About altaha2012

assistant professor of public history, university of louisville digital and public history, civic engagement, history of social movements, african american history, history of gender and sexuality, american indian history.

1 Response to let’s get this party started

  1. Vivian Deno says:

    Hi all, I can’t quite log in but I have made it to Chicago and the AHA! We are both really excited about tomorrow. This is all fly by the seat of your pants but done with loads of heart. As Lara notes we are open to ideas about what to cover. Neither of us have unconferenced or participated in a ThatCamp, so suggestions are really welcome!

    Here are the directions from downtown. I am over at the Marriott (I know, I know. I was in panic when I booked, and then remembered it was the Marriott!) g.co/maps/h8r5w Feel free to double check them!

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